Update. Sorry!

Hello everyone,

Sorry for not posting so much lately, but summer and work got us sucked in so we could not post news so often.

Anyhow, wanted to announce that we have switched from Blueprints and now we are pretty much a hybrid project, but we hope that we will run away totally from Blueprints and we will port to C++ for good. The reason we want is because the things are getting more and more complex so it’s becoming a pain for programmers to get things done and understand what is going on. Also we changed our hud/ui approach so it can be done via HTML/CSS now. Paolo has managed to implement BLUI within our game (you can read about it here: https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?58192-BLUI-Open-Source-HTML5-JS-CSS-HUD-UI&highlight=blui ). Right now we have 2.6 version, but 3.0 just came now so we will switch soon too.

Since we ported to C++, Paolo worked a lot of on melee and now it’s working properly plus the multiplayer support works much better. For testing purposes, he even managed to create a dummy bot, that sometimes can get angry at you and shoot ki blasts or attack you.

Plus we have a new HUD, which is fully functional, but we will show it next time.

For now, Vegeta will be shown. He is already in hands of Andy for rigging while he is getting textured at the same time, so it should be in game really soon. After that Ramunas will start working on maps and Andy will get to work on animations, while Paolo wants to work on melee combos and special attacks. So everything is coming along nicely and we are very proud of the progress.

Proportions are not final.

Proportions are not final.

Can you feel the game coming?

If you like our project or want to know what is going on, you can follow us here or subscribe and receive all the news as soon as those are announced! If you are interested in helping the project, send us an email fistofki@yahoo.com!

  1. #1 by BANDIT on July 29, 2015 - 8:55 am

    when can we get our hands on it? is this becoming a second ESF? showing incredible stuff and then just die?

    fully understand that its not playable like it is now…..i mean when its so far.
    you plan on going svn?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. #2 by Fist of Ki on July 29, 2015 - 10:53 am

    Well, we will see if people will have their hands on it at all. The project’s faith is still not final as our team has huge goals and expectations. However, the project can become open source after we decide we are done with this.

    According to Andy, initially, this was meant to be a tribute to ESF when he started this project.

    Die? In what terms dying are you referring? It’s all about personal experience from a development point of view. We are non-profitable group of developers who do this on our own free will and free time. If you just want to have your hands so badly on the game, then missing the main point there.

    Actually it is already pretty playable, but many things are still missing. Game mechs are not complete, animations, models, maps, particles, but most of things are being worked on.

    SVN is pretty much essential for any kind of project, even for mod/indie development, so we do have SVN server.


  3. #3 by BANDIT on July 30, 2015 - 5:05 am

    ok sorry if i didnt made myself as clear as i wanted.

    with svn i meant public svn like zeq…..so that we can get updates as soon as you change something. unlike esf….where you wait years….get to see awesome stuff….but without getting your hands on it.

    with dying i mean esf…..that mod is dead…..only some freaks keep the forum alive…they made incredible stuff with the old hl1 engine. but since years no version to play with. it a shame how they treat their community. its like “look what we have! and you dont!”
    that mod is playable a long time ago…with svn(public) no one would care….but all these years without a update…with only some weird screen of some old version which one guy has…

    plus they asked for help on their forum….they dont give any informations what is needed and stupid guys(moderators) blame the work of their helpers so they gonna stop that sooner or later.
    they wont high end quality but dont give the chance to test it.

    so you gonna develop until all are gone? or are you making a public accessable svn so we can keep ourselfs updated?
    are you gonna do a feature list? so we know what to expect? fusion?<–would be finally nice… super saiyan, damaged clothes…blood…unconsciousness of players(by getting knocked down)
    training? powerlevels?
    got a lot of questions there. also ideas^^ if you need some:D

    i am not good at programing….but i can do some modelling(i suck at skinning^^):

    maybe i can help out with some buildings or time machines?:D


    • #4 by Fist of Ki on July 30, 2015 - 2:20 pm

      Our goal is to learn Unreal engine for future projects. Right now, our development team wants to finish a stable build and we might go open source and this would allow people to create their own content, but the thing is that our design approach is different from any other known projects. As everything is realistic, cartoon/pseudo cartoon style characters won’t fit in.

      Every team decides project individually, so we will do the same. All decisions are correct either way as it is a fruit of hard working dedicated people so they have their right to do what they want with their precious project.

      And thank you very much for all your support and effort. Unfortunately, we don’t need any prop artists. We would recruit only someone with great skills in environment/character modeling. What we are looking for most right now are particles/fx designer.

      And we do have a roadmap, but our game design needs some futher development. Things such as fussion and other features will be revealed in time. Remember, we are very limited in resources – developers wise so we try to maintain realistic goals.


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